
Books Anne has written or has a chapter in.

Saturday, December 31, 2011

2012 Year of the Black Water Dragon

It's a dragon year - such vigorous, exhilarating, unpredictable energy! Do with it what you will...

On one of my favorite author's blogs this question was recently posed: "How do you define success?" The author was feeling adrift in the wake of negative reviews, or no reviews, uncertain sales, and all the typical malais that goes with being  a writer. My response to the post was this:

"If you are surviving on your writing alone, you are successful. If you have readers who've been moved by your work and crave more, you're successful. If you've created stories and characters you're particularly fond of yourself and look forward to engaging them further, you're successful. If you have a fan base that would be lost without you, you are definitely successful! Enjoy your success, and here's to 2012!"
Come to think of it, that's not bad advice for all of us. May your dragons of 2012 always be supplied with a good stack of quills and scrolls!

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